
Intriguing Reports On Breakthroughs, Discoveries, and Novelties In DNA Testing

23andMe Launches Monumental Genetic Weight Loss Study

23andMe Launches Monumental Genetic Weight Loss Study

January 4, 2018

23andMe started a revolutionary, never-before-attempted genetic weight loss study that will help the company learn more about genetic variants in charge of weight loss and the overall effectiveness of utilizing various dieting and exercising methods to lose weight. Learn all about the study and participating prerequisites in this dedicated article.

AncestryDNA Unites Vietnam Vet With Daughter He Never Knew He Had

AncestryDNA Unites Vietnam Vet With Daughter He Never Knew He Had

December 29, 2017

Apart from satisfying personal curiosity, ancestry DNA testing can also completely change our lives by introducing us to relatives we never knew existed. Read this heartwarming story to learn more about a girl’s 40-year quest to find her real father. This will be their first Christmas together and we can only hope they’ll share many more.

Did DNA Testing Providers Fabricate The Results Of Racist Customers?

Did DNA Testing Providers Fabricate The Results Of Racist Customers?

December 21, 2017

December brought serious claims from less-than-reputable websites regarding the alleged practice of tampering with DNA results adopted by an unnamed ancestry DNA testing company. To learn more about these claims, the “source,” and our conclusion, read our article dedicated to unraveling this convoluted network of information and getting to the truth.

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