HomeDNA VS African Ancestry
After making the initial decision to explore your ancestry and genetic origins, you are faced with a multitude of nuances, separating one ancestry DNA testing company from the next. African Ancestry and HomeDNA are both excellent choices for the task at hand, but one will certainly come out on top once you identify your specific needs and expectations. Their services, although high-quality and professional, differ in small but important aspects, even though they seemingly do the same thing. Our comparison will help you spot those differences between African Ancestry and HomeDNA, allowing you to make an optimal and fully personalized choice.

- Experienced team with solid background in genetics/genealogy
- Company focused on African paternal and maternal heritage
- The largest database of African lineages on the market
- Price: $299.00
- Shipping:Unknown

- State-of-the-art testing facility with robotics technology
- Multitude of genetic tests with quick turnaround times
- Highly skilled scientific team and effective user support
- Price: $39.00
- Shipping:
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- Submitted By Claudester Stephens on 07/14/2019Both I and my brother took the test at the same time. I took the MartiClan and my brother took the PatriClan. My mother's maternal genetic ancestry is from Guinea-Bissau. My brother's paternal genetic ancestry said he is from Korea. How can that be. I wish that had explained that more. How does Korean and African ancestry combine.? Were some Koreans brought to Africa?
- Submitted By Michael Henderson on 05/11/2019I think African Ancestry is still a work in progress. First of all I wanted to use this co. Because I’m a person of African decent. I found the process initially to be pretty routine. But because of the cost of the test I had very high expectation. I received the kit within a week or so of ordering the test. I returned the test kit around a day or so after receiving the kit. To my surprise it took around two months or more for me to get the results. I received my kit. In the mail on 2/13/19 and sent it in again in about two to three day turn around. I didn’t receive my results in the mail until 5/11/19. To say the least I was extremely disappointed in the turn around time! When I got the result I did learn I received Maternal lineage and I was looking for paternal lineage info.? i didn’t seem to have a choice on this.! Overall I didn’t see the value in this investment of almost $300. In my opinion although I gain some knowledge it was not what I expected!!! Thank You! MLH
- Submitted By Natasha on 03/08/2019Negative Five stars for African Ancestry. (I have also used two other Ancestry/dna testing companies.) I began the process with the company in September 2018. I was told they needed to do a recollection in December 2018. It is March 2019 and I still have NOTHING from this company... NOTHING. Upon making a call for the status of my results, I was met with rude, condescending laughter and sarcasm. African Ancestry needs to do better. The company wants the business, but opts to treat it’s African descended clientele like garbage. This is not the way to advance and claim distinction as an African focused business.
- Submitted By Tequilla Brown on 11/07/2018This has be an overwhelming experience for me and my family. My husband had his DNA tested before me. We found out that we share the same results for our Matriclan which is 100% Native American. I look forward to finding out more information on my Native side of the family. I really wish that there was more information as to which tribe I belong to. Big thanks to African Ancestry for making this site available.

- Submitted By Nicholas Watson on 09/05/2018The kit is very easy to use and I managed to collect my sample in under a minute following the instructions. I’ll post an update here once I receive my results regarding the accuracy. The user support could be a bit quicker, though, but at least the answers I received were very knowledgeable instead of something generic I usually get from companies like this one.
- Submitted By Edward Allen on 08/21/2018I was always fascinated with history of different parts of the world and how people who live there now aren’t originally from those parts. HomeDNA test showed some results I already suspected it would, but also gave me a lot of information I wouldn’t dream of. Highly recommend it to everyone interested in their family history and origins.
- Submitted By Jodah Davidson on 05/25/2018I spent 70 bucks on the "HomeDNA™ Starter Ancestry Test." My results consisted of an animation that highlights hot-spots that they claim I originate from. "91% European" with Tunisia indicated as my top European region. First off Tunisia isn't European, it's North African.... Secondly, I have at best trace North African ancestry that is around 1% on 23andMe. They also claim I'm 3% Mexican and 6% East Asian from Thailand, both are totally incorrect, and wildly inaccurate. Their test doesen't even allow for raw data download. So in closing, "HomeDNA™ Starter Ancestry Test," is a total ripoff and about as accurate and helpful as a free ancestry app or a 5$ dollar app on many sites.
- Submitted By Ann Rice on 08/21/2017Great service and quick results with just a ton of information.

African Ancestry is a DNA testing provider that enables its users to explore their potential African heritage by following their paternal and maternal lineages up to 2,000 years in the past. Read our dedicated African Ancestry review to learn more about the testing solutions the company has to offer and the overall quality of its ancestry testing service.