Behind the façade of medical technicalities and genetic “acrobatics,” we sometimes get a glimpse of how profoundly AncestryDNA affects people’s lives.
Namely, an army veteran will get to spend his first Christmas with the daughter he never knew he had. The tears in the eyes of this proud soldier were enough to melt even the coldest of hearts and remind us that Christmas miracles still happen all around us.

At the young age of 10, Olivia Robles started searching for her biological father right after she realized she was adopted. After 40 years, her quest was finally over when AncestryDNA pointed to her real father, 78-year old Vietnam vet Gary Barnes.
Barnes met Robles’ mother during his time in the Philippines. They eventually lost touch and he never knew she was pregnant. Robles spend her childhood in the Philippines and eventually moved to the US. Father and daughter met in Reno, Nevada for the first time and decided to spend the Christmas holidays together with the rest of Robles’ family.
So, when you start thinking ancestry DNA testing is all about numbers and big companies, just think of this heartwarming story about a veteran who just got a daughter, three grandsons, and a great-grandson he never knew existed.
For more info on this story, check out this video.