DNA Consultants Review

DNA Consultants is an American DNA testing company that employs a sophisticated screening algorithm and numerous genealogical sources to tell you more about your ancient origins and recent lineage. Its parent company, DNA Testing Systems, LLC, was founded back in 2003 in Longmont, Colorado. The team behind DNA Consultants proudly states that the company is partly owned and operated by Native American Indians.
Keep reading this detailed and honest DNA Consultants review to learn all about this DNA testing provider’s incredible portfolio and unique DNA fingerprinting method to determine if its testing solutions and/or genealogical sources can help you on your journey to uncovering the past.

How DNA Consultants Works
With DNA Consultants, the testing procedure includes the following steps:
Placing an order – When you decide on a specific testing solution, you can place your order on the official website. If you do not know which option to choose, you can use the company’s “DNA Wizard,” which will help you identify the right test for you. When it comes to payment methods, the company accepts PayPal, major credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and AMEX), money orders, and personal checks.
Collecting your DNA sample – Once the company receives your order, your personal at-home DNA testing kit will be shipped within one business day. The delivery time depends on your location. DNA Consultants kit utilizes cheek swabs to collect buccal cells from the inner sides of your cheeks. Note that you should not eat or drink anything but water for at least half an hour (preferably 2 hours) before collecting your biological specimen. You should not smoke, brush your teeth or chew gum either. After swabbing for 30 seconds, simply secure the swab inside the provided container. Make sure it does not come into direct contact with anything apart from the container itself. Keep in mind that DNA Consultants allows you to upload your raw DNA data in PDF or ZIP formats, which reduces the price of some tests significantly.
Sending the sample back – After collecting your DNA sample, simply mail it back to the lab for further processing. For orders within the US, the company provides users with a prepaid envelope. International users, however, will have to pay an additional return shipping fee of 25$. The same fee is charged for express shipping even within the US. The actual sample processing is done by the DDC (DNA Diagnostics Center) lab in Fairfield, Ohio, which is definitely a big plus.
Inspecting the results – Around 3 weeks after receiving your DNA sample, the company will generate your final report and send it to you in an email in the form of a PDF attachment. The Primeval DNA Test, however, has an average turnaround time between 6 and 8 weeks. For an additional fee of 20$, you can also receive a paperback copy of the report.
Why Choose DNA Consultants
DNA Consultants is dedicated to utilizing our genetic data in order to let us go much further into the past than even the most far-reaching genealogical research could ever take us. Here are some of the most prominent benefits of opting for one of its testing solutions:
- State-of-the-art DDC processing lab in Fairfield, Ohio
- Incredible portfolio of different testing options
- Raw data upload
- Simple testing procedure
- Quick turnaround times
- 99.99% accuracy
- Neanderthal reports
- Jewish, Cherokee, and ancient DNA tests
- Company’s database covers all peoples and races in the world
- International shipping
DNA Consultants offers one of the richest testing portfolios on the market that includes the following testing solutions:
DNA Fingerprint Plus (279.00$)
DNA Fingerprint Plus is the company’s best-selling autosomal test that analyzes all your ancestral lines at once in order to provide you with a comprehensive report regarding your ethnic percentages as well as geographic origins.

Apart from comparing your DNA with relevant sample groups, the test also checks for 18 ethnic markers searching for potential signs of African, Jewish, Native American, Asian or European heritage. The company’s database currently contains more than 180,000 samples from all over the world and checks for around 500 different populations.
DNA Consultants employs a team of genealogists that will analyze your final report and provide you with an expert picture of your primary ancestries. The report also includes a world ancestry map as well as a personal certificate of testing.
- Neanderthal update
- Epigenetics and the Autosomal DNA of Human Populations
- Rare Genes from History update
Native American DNA Fingerprint Plus Test (299.00$)
This iteration of the test also analyzes 18 genetic markers to discover which Indian tribes you share the most DNA with, which and how many genetic markers you have, and how rare or common your genetic signature is when it comes to American Indians.
Apart from your Native American heritage, the test will also indicate any potential African, Asian, Middle Eastern or European ancestry with top matches from European countries. The company currently has more than 60 North American indigenous populations in its database, plus some related populations, including Hispanic, Melungeon, and more.
- Red Man’s Origin
Cherokee DNA Test (139.00$)
When the company released its atDNA 10.2 database, it also introduced two new reference populations called US Cherokee Admixed (n=92) and US Cherokee Admixed (n=62). On top of this, the first available tribal data was introduced as well. Namely, in July 2018, DNA Consultants added US Cherokee Enrolled (n=33).
This testing option compares your DNA signature with 26 American Indian populations from 8 countries in South and North America. Apart from Cherokee, the list of populations also includes Apache, Salishan, Navajo, Lumbee, Inuit, Huichols, Maya, and Canadian aboriginal tribes. In total, the available database covers around 4,000 American Indian, Native American, aboriginal, and indigenous subjects.
- Cherokee DNA Studies: People Who Proved the Genetics Wrong
- Premium upgrade
Primeval Test (258.00$ with kit; 99.00$ with upload)
This option allows you to search for genetic similarities with past peoples and cultures by comparing your personal signature with DNA materials extracted from mummies and skeletons. In other words, you get to compare your DNA with individuals around the world who lived hundreds or even thousands of years ago. This includes Vikings, Israelites, British Romans, Chumash Indians, Ancient Egyptians, and others. The test analyzes around 80,000 nucleotide positions.

The Primeval Test includes the following peoples:
- Ancient Israelites
- Vikings in Medieval Iceland
- Stone Age Europeans
- Egyptian Mummies
- Chumash Paleo-Indians
- Ice Age Europeans
- Ancient Britons in Roman Britain
Note that the stated price only covers 3 of the available tests, but you can order additional options for 25$ each. If you already tested your DNA, you can upload your raw DNA data file completely free of charge and significantly reduce the overall price of the test.
Jewish DNA Fingerprint Plus (298.00$)
DNA Consultants also offers the Jewish version of its proprietary DNA Fingerprint test based on the atDNA 10.1 database. Apart from discovering your potential Ashkenazic, Khazar or Sephardic background (or a combination), the test will also identify any potential admixture, including Romani/Gypsy, African, American Indian, and others.
The company’s genealogical team will also inspect your results to provide you with a better picture of your primary ancestries. Its database currently contains 4 Jewish populations:
- Sephardim in Israel
- Israeli Jews (half Ashkenazi/half Mizrahi and Sephardic tested in Israel)
- Ashkenazi in Hungary
- Chuetas in Spain, which is a crypto-Jewish population on the Majorca Islands
On top of this, the company also provides you with matches for related populations (Melungeon, for example).
- Jewish DNA Ancestry Certificate
- The Early Jews and Muslims of England and Wales
Basic World DNA Fingerprint Test (159.00$)
This is the more budget-friendly version of the company’s DNA Fingerprint Test that also examines all the relevant locations in your genome and provides you with a report that covers all your ancestry lines. However, the time depth is historical (200 – 500 years) rather than ancient. The report lists around 50 world populations and provides you with a breakdown of your genetic heritage spread across 20 European countries (Russia and Ukraine were added recently). Finally, you also receive your unique DNA fingerprint with 15 standard alleles.
- DNA and You: Blog Posts from the Golden Age of the Human Genome Project
Rare Genes From History DNA Test (99.00$)
The test covers 26 genetic markers coming from African, Asian, Indian, and Native American sources. The report provided by this testing option can help you clarify and expand your DNA Fingerprint Plus results. Note that if you already performed the DNA Fingerprint Plus test, you can simply purchase the Rare Genes from History Update rather than go through the whole testing procedure all over again.

- Ancestry Certificate
- Premium upgrade
Basic Jewish DNA Fingerprint Test (159.00$)
Like the Basic World Fingerprint Test, this iteration is the budget-friendly alternative to the full Jewish Fingerprinting.
It creates your genetic checklist with markers associated with Khazar, Ashkenazi, and Sephardim, examining standard locations in your genome to detect any potential traces of Jewish ancestry.
Your DNA is compared with a wide range of different populations ranging from Hungarian Ashkenazim and Chuetas on Majorca to Spanish, Tunisian, Moroccan, Persian Mizrahi Jews, and mixed Jewish Caucasians.
- Book of Jewish and Crypto-Jewish Surnames
Premium Female DNA Test (339.00$)
The company’s Premium Female Test examines your matrilineal descent back from the earliest human to the present day. It tests your mtDNA for differences in two control regions – HVRII and HVRI. The identified mutations are what defines your maternal lineage.
The test can be taken by both males and females and the extracted DNA sample is researched in several authoritative databases, including the Cambridge Mitochondrial DNA Concordance.
- DNA Haplotyping and Diversity
- The Bear Went Over the Mountain
- Premium Male DNA Test Y-DNA
Euro DNA Fingerprint Test (139.00$)
This option will only analyze your potential European origins. This is a very important test since many modern Americans are actually descendants of European immigrants.
Having said that, the final report will also include potential Israeli Jews (n=163), Turkish, Romani/Gypsy, and Armenian matches.
- On the Trail of Europa
- Rare Genes from History update
- Premium upgrade
Premium Combo DNA Test (539.00$)
This option examines your outer lines (female-female and male-male) in relation to one another and provides you with expert analysis using the world’s leading DNA databases.
The Premium Combo will test your Y-chromosome type received from the father as well as mtDNA coming from the mother. Basically, this test is an amalgamation of the Premium Male and Female tests. The price is lower than ordering the test separately, so you will get the same information while saving some money along the way.
- DNA and You: Blog Posts from the Golden Age of the Human Genome Project
Jewish Marker Test (99.00$)
Thes Jewish Marker Test implements the industry exclusive 18-marker ethnic panel to identify the presence of the said markers in your genome. Jewish ancestry can be identified for both parents.
- Jewish DNA Ancestry Certificate
- EURO DNA fingerprint update
- Jewish Upgrade
Premium Upgrade For DNA Fingerprint Plus Reports (199.00$)
If you already have an old version of the DNA Fingerprint Plus report, you can now upgrade it with 18-panel marker ethnic results for European and World top matches. As we already mentioned in this DNA Consultants review, the company’s database contains 500 populations.
The upgrade will be delivered to you by email with a new Specialty Ethnic Certificate. You can also specify which ancestries you want showing on your personal certificate.
Melungeon DNA Upgrade (199.00$)
This option is designed to get you to the full version of the Melungeon DNA Fingerprint Plus. In other words, you should order the upgrade only if you already took the Melungeon DNA Test in order to complement your report with additional information.
- The Bear Went Over the Mountain
- Ancestors and Enemies: Essays on Melungeons
Native American Upgrade (199.00$)
This upgrade was introduced to allow people who took the Cherokee DNA Test to enhance their results and basically get the same amount of data offered by the Native American DNA Fingerprint Test.

Jewish Upgrade (199.00$)
The Jewish upgrade allows you to use your profile generated during the previous testing to update your report to full DNA Fingerprint Plus. It also includes the 18-marker ethnic panel, 4 of which are Jewish-linked.
- Neanderthal update
- Jewish DNA Ancestry Certificate
- Ancestors and Enemies: Essays on Melungeons
- Epigenetics and the Autosomal DNA of Human Populations
- Rare Genes from History upgrade
Mid Upgrade For DNA Fingerprint Plus Reports (149.00$)
This is an option designed for people who purchased one of the budget-friendly testing iterations and would now like to upgrade their results. Note that this is not a stand-alone product and cannot be ordered if you did not already purchase one of the company’s other tests.
- Neanderthal DNA Test
- Rare Genes from History upgrade
- DNA and You: Blog Posts from the Golden Age of the Human Genome Project
Premium Female Report Only – mtDNA (135.00$)
This report will compile the history of the mtDNA passed to you by your mother. The report will be delivered to your email address within one week and it will include a comparison of your mtDNA with samples in numerous databases, confirmation of your mt lineage (African, Asian, Eurasian or Native American), your haplotype, references, FAQs, hyperlinked terms for easier online education, and unlimited online, phone, and email help.
- Epigenetics and the Autosomal DNA of Human Populations: Clinical Perspectives and Personal Genome Tests
Premium Combo DNA Report Only (249.00$)
If you already tested your Y-chromosome and mtDNA and want to receive the company’s exclusive analysis of your report, you can email the scores to DNA Consultants and receive just the Premium Combo Report.
- DNA and You: Blog Posts from the Golden Age of the Human Genome Project
Cherokee DNA Test Update (50.00$)
In order to purchase this product, DNA Consultants has to have your DNA Fingerprint results on file (CoDIS markers and alleles). In other words, this is NOT a stand-alone test.

- Old World Roots of the Cherokee by Donald N. Yates
- Cherokee DNA Studies: People Who Proved the Geneticists Wrong
- Deluxe Cherokee Match Certificate
Native American DNA Ancestry Test – mtDNA (339.00$)
This test is primarily designed for individuals whose mothers (and their mothers and their mother’s mothers…) are American Indians type A, B, C, D, E or X or have direct Cherokee maternal descent (H, I, J, K, L, N, T, U, V or W).
The testing process includes examining your Hypervariable Regions I and II and discovering your gene type by matching your genetic signature with a sample from the Mitochondrial DNA Concordance as well as other similar research databases.
When it comes to concrete results, your report will be able to suggest your clan or tribal affiliation if you happen to match someone who took part in the company’s in-house studies. The test can be taken by both males and females and it also provides you with a comprehensive Native American family history report as well as a certificate of testing.
- Visit to Sacred Cities
- Deluxe Native American/American Indian Certificate
Native American DNA Test Ancestry Report Only – mtDNA (135.00$)
This report is primarily focused on connecting your potential Native American mtDNA (especially Cherokee) with its in-house databases. The Cherokee are severely undersampled and many individuals with Cherokee mtDNA are not even considered American Indian. As the name of the product says, this is only a report so you already have to have your mtDNA test results in order to purchase it.
- Cherokee DNA Studies: People Who Proved the Geneticists Wrong
Irish DNA Test (99.00$)
The Irish DNA Test examines your potential European ancestry and ranks your matches to Northern Ireland and Ireland. It also provides you with your potential geographic origins across 10 European countries as well as a certificate of Irish ancestry. Note that you can later upgrade your report to the full DNA Fingerprint Plus.

- Premium upgrade
Premium Male DNA Report Only – Y-DNA (135.00$)
This is an informative report that utilizes your Y-chromosome testing results from another provider. In other words, you can only purchase this option if you already tested with another lab.
The report is usually delivered within 2 weeks and it includes confirmation of your haplotype’s ethnic origin, database search results, worldwide heat-map of male matches, surname meaning and origin, history and description of your haplotype (father’s male line), FAQs, hyperlinked terms, and unlimited support.
- Premium Female Report Only – mtDNA
Irish DNA Update (50.00$)
If you already purchased the DNA Fingerprint Test, you can also analyze your European ancestry and rank your potential matches to Northern Ireland and Ireland.
- The Bear Went Over the Mountain
- Cherokee DNA Studies: People Who Proved the Geneticists Wrong
EURO DNA Fingerprint Update (50.00$)
If you ordered your DNA Fingerprint Plus before July 15, 2015, you should order this update to add the new EURO results to your report.
- On the Trail of Europa
Melungeon DNA Test/Update (99.00$/50$)
This testing option allows you to check if you match the Melungeon population data. If you already purchased the DNA Fingerprint Test, you can simply order the Melungeon update.
- Ancestry Certificate
- Ancestors and Enemies: Essays on Melungeons
- Melungeon Premium Upgrade

Update extras:
- Neanderthal update
- Ancestry Certificate
- Epigenetics and the Autosomal DNA of Human Populations
- Rare Genes from History upgrade
Rare Genes From History Upgrade (50.00$)
You can order this report only if you already purchased the DNA Fingerprint Test. The report hinges on 26 new markers that are extremely rare, so do not get disappointed if you do not have one.
- Neanderthal update
- Ancestry Certificate
- Cherokee DNA Studies: People Who Proved the Geneticists Wrong
Megapopulations DNA Test/Update (99.00$/50.00$)
This test will answer the question, “Where do I come from?” with the broadest biogeographical categories. Note that since December 2011, all DNA Fingerprint Plus reports already include megapopulations, but you can also order it as a stand-alone product (DNA test included).
- Ancestry Certificate
- Epigenetics and the Autosomal DNA of Human Populations
- Rare Genes from History upgrade
Update extras:
- Neanderthal update
- Ancestry Certificate
- Epigenetics and the Autosomal DNA of Human Populations
- Rare Genes from History upgrade
Family DNA Duo Package (449.00$)
This pack is designed for two siblings or a parent and child who want to find out more about the ancestry of a parent who is unavailable for testing. Apart from piecing out their ancestral origins, you will also be able to confirm or negate the relationship in case you have any doubts.
- Rare Genes from History upgrade
Family DNA Trio Package (669.00$)
This testing option acts as a small family study that allows you to make sure your siblings are really your siblings when your supposed parents are not available for testing. The pack features three DNA Fingerprint Plus reports you can later compare for any differences and similarities.
- Rare Genes from History upgrade
Premium Male DNA Test Y-DNA (249.00$)
The Premium Y-DNA Test will analyze your father’s direct male line all the way back. This makes it ideal for genealogical searches as well as exploring the origin of your surname. The testing process examines 25 locations in your Y-chromosome (Y-STRs) and the score determines the male lineage of your father as well as the pedigree that follows your surname through history. Note that only males can take this test.
- DNA haplotyping and diversity
- When Scotland Was Jewish
- Premium Female DNA Test mtDNA
Deluxe Cherokee Match Certificate (25.00$)
If you receive positive results for the US Cherokee Admixed (n=62) population, you can order this deluxe certificate.
- Old Souls In a New World
- The Eight Arrow
- The Bear Went Over the Mountain
- Old School Roots of the Cherokee by Donald N. Yates
- Cherokee Clans: An Informal History
- Cherokee DNA Studies: People Who Proved the Geneticists Wrong
New 18-Marker Ethnic Test (99.00$)
This test screens for 18 numerical values scattered throughout your genetic material. Discovered by DNA Consultants, the markers have been associated with early human migrations out of Africa and into Asia, Europe, and Native America. Your final report will show whether you have any specific marker from one parent, both or neither. The absence of a relevant marker does not mean that you do not have that particular ancestry.
- Neanderthal update
- Jewish DNA Ancestry Certificate
- Megapopulations DNA Update
- Rare Genes from History upgrade
Neanderthal DNA Test (99.00$)
The Neanderthal report will provide you with comprehensive population matches with different archaic populations, including Berber, Finnish, Turkish, Indian, Iraqi, Syrian, Egyptian, and others.
- Ancestry Certificate
- Epigenetics and Autosomal DNA of Human Populations
- Rare Genes from History upgrade
- Premium upgrade
Native American Marker Panel (99.00$)
This option allows you to add the 18-marker ethnic panel to older products related to Native American Ancestry.
- Old World Roots of the Cherokee by Donald N. Yates
Deluxe Native American/American Indian Certificate
If your results revealed at least one Native American marker or population affinity, you can order this high-quality hard copy certificate.
- Visits to Sacred Cities
Melungeon DNA Fingerprint Plus (300.00$)
This is simply the Melungeon-centric version of the company’s DNA Fingerprint Test. It examines around 500 countries and ethnic groups to discover your potential genetic origins.
- Ancestry Certificate
- When Scotland Was Jewish
Privacy And Security
DNA Consultants collects certain information to see how you interact and how frequently you visit the official website. This information includes your name, email, genealogical and demographic info, and more. The company also uses cookies, which do not contain personally identifiable information, and Pixel Tags to monitor your usage of certain pages and provide its third-party partners with adequate marketing materials.
DNA Consultants implements all the necessary managerial, electronic, and physical procedures to safeguard your data from any unauthorized access. The company’s privacy policy, however, leaves a lot to be desired. We are not informed about the full scope of the collected data and we do not know what happens with your information and DNA sample once your report has been generated. Additionally, we do not know whether or not you can request the deletion of your data at any given point. Finally, the company’s official address is a PO Box, which only further fuels our suspicion.
The official privacy policy recommends that you contact the company’s support team at privacy@dnaconsultants.com if you want to know more about its third-party advertisers.
Shipping And Handling
DNA Consultants ships its at-home testing kits worldwide by Amazon Fulfillment or USPS Priority Mail. Your personal kit will leave the warehouse within one business day of receiving your order.
Within the US, the kit comes with a prepaid mailer, which means you do not have to worry about any additional return shipping fees. For international shipments, however, you will have to pay an extra 25$ fee. The same fee will be charged in the US if you opt for express shipping.
Bottom Line
DNA Consultants is one of the rare DNA testing companies that combines several different reports you would usually never find with the same testing provider. As such, it saves a lot of time and money you would spend taking different tests and waiting for numerous reports to be generated.
However, you should be aware of the overall reach of the testing solution offered by DNA Consultants. It is true that the company covers all the peoples and races in the world, but some of them are severely undersampled, which translates to more modest and imprecise end results. Therefore, we definitely recommend doing some research on the topic before actually taking the test in order to form realistic expectations. This especially goes for Native American reports and their limitations.
Bottom line, if you know what to expect, this DNA Consultants review revealed an excellent company partnered with DDC, which owns one of the most advanced DNA processing laboratories in the world. Whether you are a passionate family historian or just want to know more about your past and ancient lineages, DNA Consultants can definitely meet your needs.
I am totally pleased with this company, results were quick and its just awsome to find matches with other people of cherokee ancestry.
Good ordering experience, the test is easy to do, and the results arrived in little over three weeks. I later ordered the Cherokee update and the results do match another test I did. Great option for Native American and some cryptic ethnicities.
There’s so many tests to choose from and the company always add more and more updates, which is just incredible for a quirky family genealogist like me.