GPS Origins VS WeGene

UPDATED Mar. 2025
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After making the initial decision to explore your ancestry and genetic origins, you are faced with a multitude of nuances, separating one ancestry DNA testing company from the next. GPS Origins and WeGene are both excellent choices for the task at hand, but one will certainly come out on top once you identify your specific needs and expectations. Their services, although high-quality and professional, differ in small but important aspects, even though they seemingly do the same thing. Our comparison will help you spot those differences between GPS Origins and WeGene, allowing you to make an optimal and fully personalized choice.

Explore Your Asian Heritage
GPS Origins
The most precise ancestry DNA test


WeGene is a DNA testing company that develops solutions for exploring your Asian heritage and learning more about your genetic health and predispositions for certain diseases and conditions.
  • High-quality FDA-approved Genotek at-home DNA testing kit
  • Custom-designed high-density Affymetrix processing chips
  • Simple testing process/highly accurate and reliable results
  • Price: $74.00
  • Shipping:Unknown
GPS Origins
GPS Origins is an ancestry DNA test developed by DDC to accurately pinpoint the exact originator of your genetic strain. Every DNA sample is processed twice using top-tier robotics technology.
  • One of the most accurate tests with 800,000+ SNP checked
  • 31 world regions covered with 1,000+ reference populations
  • Family Tree DNA, AncestryDNA, Nat Geo, and 23andMe transfers
  • Price: $69.00
  • Shipping:

Compare Features

WeGene test
Sample Collection Type
Genetic Markers Checked
Geographic Regions Covered
Ancestral Makeup Report
Paternal Lineage
Maternal Lineage
Neanderthal Percentage
Native American DNA Coverage
Jewish DNA Coverage
Cousin matching
Database Size
Family Tree Integration
Chromosome Browser
Health Report
Average Result Time
4-6 Weks
Research Participation
Raw Data Upload
Raw Data Download
Custom Illumina
Privacy and Security
WeGene only collects the data required to provide its services and will never disclose it to any third parties, including online marketing services. Data storage is based on HIPAA rules and regulations, which includes HTTPS encryption on the entire website, separate storage of user info and genomic data, cloud backups, cloud AND local storage, and more.
GPS Origins
Sample Collection Type
Genetic Markers Checked
Geographic Regions Covered
Ancestral Makeup Report
Paternal Lineage
Maternal Lineage
Neanderthal Percentage
Native American DNA Coverage
Jewish DNA Coverage
Cousin matching
Database Size
Family Tree Integration
Chromosome Browser
Health Report
Average Result Time
Research Participation
Raw Data Upload
Raw Data Download
Privacy and Security

Compare Ratings

Scope Of DNA Test(s)
Test Processing Times
Privacy & Security
Value For Money
Overall Experience
GPS Origins
Scope Of DNA Test(s)
Test Processing Times
Privacy & Security
Value For Money
Overall Experience

Compare User Reviews

  • Submitted By Alan on 10/17/2018
    My daughter in law did the transfer to WeGene from 23andme. Its been about three months now and she has Zero cousin matches. I know something is wrong because I see more than a dozen matches on GEDmatch with WeGene test kits. Also there is no link to contact any customer service for help.
  • Submitted By Linda Reynolds on 04/08/2018
    I had a ton of questions when I first found Wegene and the support team was nothing short of impressive. So patient and friendly, they answered everything I asked and then some. As far as the actual test is concerned, I got my results in 4 weeks and there’s just a bunch to explore so it can get pretty overwhelming. Long story short, great company with an excellent Asian-centric test. I did have some delivery problems but it was all pretty smooth from there.
  • Submitted By Robert Lee on 12/12/2017
    Been searching for a test like this for ages to tell me more about my Chinese roots. I already did the ancestrydna test so that was pretty convenient since I just transferred my results to wegene and got even more information pretty cheap.
GPS Origins
  • Submitted By Roy Barns on 08/20/2019
    GPS Origins is a unique test that offers to show you the migration route of your ancestors, plural. It's really cool because it connects the genetics with history and tries to explain why your ancestors moved in a certain way, based on whatever happened in the world during that time. For me, I learned that one side of my family moved from Croatia to Ukraine to Germany (the last part is true for sure!) because the Kingdom of Hungary was expanding and people moved out, some to participate in the crusades and others were looking for business opportunities. The other side of my family, Russian, was also spot on and also had a cool historical tale. The point of this test is that it allows you to go beyond your personal record and tell the story of both sides of your family. My criticism is that it doesn't involve ancient DNA, which is out there so it's sort of limited to modern day, but no one so far came up with a test that uses ancient DNA. Also, it helps if you know your mitochondria and Y haplogroups in advance, but these are not part of the test, which is autosomal. It's only $39 per upload, which is a good price for money.
  • Submitted By Corinne Hollingsead on 11/19/2018
    I have used a few DNA testing kits and I have done my family tree. This site gave me inaccurate information. Without a doubt it is off. My father is 100 percent Italian and it did not read any Italian in my DNA. The other tests did. I do not recommend this test.
  • Submitted By Justin Bryant on 10/15/2018
    I got my report much faster than with other similar services and the report pretty much matches what I already found out. I was hoping to see a site that could indicate the locations of my living and deceased relatives, but that’s not a thing apparently.
  • Submitted By Nancy Roberts on 09/17/2018
    I was pleasantly surprised when my results showed separate percentages for my English and Scottish ancestry. It also pinpointed to an exact village where my ancestors with different backgrounds met for the first time, as well as their migration paths. Excellent service and a very informative report.


GPS Origins is an ancestry DNA test created by Dr. Eran Elhaik and distributed by Home DNA. Its main asset is the most specific pinpointing of the location of your genetic origins, sometimes even indicating the exact town or village where your DNA signature stems from. Read all about the specifics of GPS Origins in our in-depth review.

* All the prices on this website are subject to change without notice. While we put a great deal of effort into making sure that all the prices are accurate, one or more products may have outdated prices. Please visit the specific product’s official website for exact prices.
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