In order to talk about the legitimacy of TeloYears and its proprietary testing methods, we first need to discuss the science behind telomeres.
TeloYears is advertised as one of the best DNA tests dedicated to unlocking the secrets encoded in your DNA and providing you with reliable data regarding your genetic age. In order to confirm or disprove this claim, we have to delve a bit deeper into the matter and investigate what science currently knows about telomeres.
If you want to know more about the TeloYears test and telomeres in general, join us as we put the claims of its developer to the test.

What Are Telomeres?
In the nucleus of every cell in our body, our genes are arranged alongside double-stranded, twisted DNA molecules called chromosomes. Telomeres are simply regions of repetitive nucleotide sequences at the end of our chromosomes. The name was derived from two Greek words meaning “end” and “part.”
Telomeres play a protective role but also prevent our chromosomes from mixing. Scientists usually compare them to the plastic tips on our shoelaces. You already know what happens with shoelaces once the protective caps fall off. The similar thing would happen to our chromosomes without telomeres to protect them. The best-case scenario would see our genetic information scrambled; the worst, destroyed.
However, our telomeres get shorter as our cells divide. Once they’re too short to perform their function, our cells can no longer divide and become “senescent” or they die. The shortening of our telomeres has been associated with cancer, aging, and higher death risk, so they’re also compared with bomb fuses.
What Can Telomeres Tell Us?

The overall effectiveness of the TeloYears test hinges on a very reliable scientific fact. Shorter telomeres are associated with shorter lives, according to modern science. Note that scientists don’t yet know whether the shortening of our telomeres is just a sign of aging (like wrinkles and gray hair) or it actually causes it. This fact is irrelevant when it comes to TeloYears, though, since the idea behind the test is to determine your genetic age and translate it into “human” years. Once the initial results are generated, you can take follow-up tests and monitor the state of your telomeres in the years to come.
Bottom Line
The TeloYears test is designed to determine and monitor your average telomere length (ATL) and it’s perfectly capable of fulfilling its purpose effectively.
TeloYears will show you the effects of your lifestyle on your DNA, which is the main purpose of the test and the best indicator of potentially necessary changes. Luckily, test results will also give you a Blueprint for Aging Well, which will hold all the relevant health and fitness recommendations.